Edit tasks and projects On this page you can add new projects and tasks and modify these settings. Add new projects Add new tasks to the projects Distribute the tasks Modify projects and tasks Moving projects and tasks Search and filter tasks Add new projects In accordance with your privileges you can add new projects and subprojects to the selected node in project hierarchy with the "New project/Customer" icon (). Filling the new project pop-up window you can enter the name, the priority, its description, the planned phase and the estimated time with the costs of the new project. You can also delegate the members and the leader of the project. Add new tasks to the projects You can add new tasks by clicking on the "New task" icon (). Bet you are surprised now. In the new task pop-up you can choose between simple and advanced view by clicking on the links at the top. Enter the name, priority and the description and optionally you can set its phase, the estimated time and cost. You can label the new task with a category if you have already created one. You can decide from which applications the new task should be available from. In the advanced view (the link where all fields are visible) you can configure more optional task settings. Distribute the tasks When creating new task you can assign them to users, user groups or roles at the same time in the "Assignment" section at the bottom of the pop-up. When you assign the task to users you have to enter the time when the user can work on the task, together with its estimated time either in total or in daily averages for the planned phase. (Each assignment has to be set up and saved individually in the different rows.) Modify projects and tasks By selecting a task or project and then clicking on the "Edit" icon () you can see and modify its basic data. Click on the "Modification history" () on the right to review the changes users made on the task. Click on the trash bin icon () above the project hierarchy to close the selected task. Moving projects and tasks With the "Mass move" icon () you can move multiple projects or tasks at the same time within the tree structure. In the pop-up first select the projects/tasks that you want to move and then choose the destination project under which you move the selected projects or tasks. You can also move multiple projects or tasks with drag-and-drop to another level in the hierarchy. Search and filter tasks You can use the search field above the hierarchy to find a project or a task by its name. With the icon on the right () you can filter the project hierarchy by several criteria.