User accounts On this page you can add new users and user groups and modify these settings. Upload organization chart with Excel sheet! Managing user and group data Add new user group Add new users User and user group management Search and filter users Upload organization chart with Excel sheet! You can add all the users at the same time, or make multiple changes in the user hierarchy simply in an Excel sheet. Select the company name on the top of the user hierarchy to download an Excel template in which you can make make all the changes about the users and then just upload the completed file to finalize the modification in JC360. Notice that the UserID field cannot be changed and the rows without UserID will be added as the new users while those with UserID will overwrite the user data. The data of those registered users who are not in the uploaded Excel file will not be deleted from the user structure. After uploading the sheet with the Edit icon you can activate and notify the users individually or all together in groups. Managing user and group data You can change the user account or user group records by selecting it from the hierarchy and then clicking on the "Edit" button to perform the modifications on the user data sheet on the right. You can change the name of the selected group, appoint new head of the user group, activate or deactivate the whole group. By selecting a user you can update its basic account information (name, email, access level, hourly wages or role) or temporarily deactivate the account. Here you can change the password, as well. Add new user group You can create unlimited new user groups by selecting its position in the organization chart on the left and then clicking on the "New user group" icon (). Enter the name of the new user group in the pop-up window and optionally you can appoint the head of the group. Add new users Select the group to which the new user is to be added and then click on the "New user" icon (). Fill in the pop-up form including the access level (user, group leader - here you can assign him to the group as well - or administrator). The new user can be registered with either active or inactive status. For active user you can opt for sending an automated email to the address given in the pop-up. The registration email contains the link where to new user can log in and change the password. If the email notification is deselected then you also have to set a password for the new user. User and user group management You can also change the settings of a user or a user group by selecting from the hierarchy and clicking on the "Edit" button () to perform the modifications on the user data sheets. The same way you can cancel the selected user or group with the "Delete" button (). You can also move multiple users or groups within the tree structure with the "Mass move" icon ()... ...or with drag-and-drop. Search and filter users You can use the search field above the hierarchy to find a user by user ID, name or the registered email. With the icon on the right () you can filter the user hierarchy by user statuses and periods.