Central rules

In this menu you can automate the registration of work times on the corresponding tasks with several types of automated functions, which may entirely eliminate the manual work administration of the desktop users.
  1. Setting up automated rules
  2. Get new rules from personal rules
  3. Get new rules from desktop application rules
  4. Customize rules view
  5. Suspend screenshot recording for sensitive data
  6. Manage the mobile rules
  1. Setting up automated rules

    In the "Create rules from the scratch" section you define the rule conditions from a blank form. (With no experience it is easier to copy an existing rule and then to customize it s conditions to make a new automated feature.) First select the type of the rule (switching to a task or logout) and then define the conditions when this action is to be performed automatically. When JC360 is active it is capable to monitor all the desktop and mobile device operations to find matches in the title or the process names or in the name of sites opened in browser windows and tabs (title, process and URL conditions). Click on the name of a rule to see under what conditions they take effect.

  2. Get new rules from personal rules

    In the "Create central rules from personal rules" section you can derive a new central rule from an already existing one. Make a copy of the personal rule and then customize its conditions under a new name.

  3. Get new rules from desktop application rules

    In the "Create rules from JC360 desktop application rule" section you can import a rule which was set up in the desktop application. Simply click on "Copy rule" in the desktop app and then paste in the text box here.

  4. Customize rules view

    With the filtering options (user, type, rule conditions) you can easily search for the exact rule types and display only those that you need.

  5. Suspend screenshot recording for sensitive data

    Here you can define those conditions which excludes certain parts of the applications from recording the printscreens while documenting work activity. According to the rule the application will not record and report the application titles or URLs defined in the censor rule and will hide those applications from the printscreens. In the assignment you can specify which users the selected censor rule should be applied for.

  6. Manage the mobile rules

    The Mobile rules define the conditions for the mobile application to perform automated operations. You can edit them with the icon at the end of the lines. With the assignment icon you can define which users the selected mobile rule should be applied for. You can define new location based rule in the "Create rule" section. When the specified location is reached the mobile application can switch for a task, or it can login or logout automatically in accordance with your selection at the "Valid in non-work status" check-box.

Central rules
Automated rules
Create rules from data
Rule type:

Title bar condition:
Process condition:
URL condition:
Regular expression:
Type of windows:
Office & Acrobat file path - full path: (optional)
Office & Acrobat file path - path without file name: (optional)
Office & Acrobat file path - file name: (optional)
Clipboard content condition: (optional)
Clipboard based process condition: (optional)
Clipboard based title condition: (optional)
Clipboard based URL condition: (optional)

Plugin input parameters:
Plugin type:
Name: Value: (optional)
Plugin returned values:
Plugin type:
Name: Value: (optional)
Definitive task switch
Valid in non-work status:
(only in business hours)
VoxCTRL commands:
VoxCTRL command parameter:
Create rules from personal rules
Rule filtering
Process name:
No rules available.
Create rule from the JC360 desktop application
Rule copied from JC360:

Current automated rules:

Rule filtering
Process name:
Közösségi oldalak tiltása Assignments
Hírportálok tiltása Assignments
Office alkalmazásokra öntanuló szabály Assignments
Videómegosztó oldalak tiltása Assignments
Flash player helybenhagyása - Full screen youtube Assignments
Felesleges munkaváltások kiküszöbölése Assignments
Adobe reader alkalmazásra öntanuló szabály Assignments

Censor rules
Create rule
Censor mode:
Title bar condition:
Process condition:
URL condition:
Regular expression:

Censor rules:

No rules available.

Edit assignment:

Mobile rules
Create rule
Rule type:
POI Name:
Region type:
Trip Work:
Start minute:
End minute:
Use regex:
Application name:
Notification sender:
Notification title:
Notification message:
Data collection keys:
Always enabled:
Definitive task switch:
Assign to user:

Mobile rules:
No rules available.

How to start

  • The desktop application is an integrated part of JC360® which, in active status, documents work activity and records the active times spent on tasks and projects in order to create reports and detailed analytics about individual and corporate performances.

    If you have not downloaded and installed the desktop application yet then you can do it by choosing Install JC360® applications from the dropdown next to your name on the upper right corner and after selecting the application you prefer.

    You can start or stop the application with a double click (with the left mouse button) on the icon (). (The system considers the IP address at registration as office network so it will show "Working in office" status if any user is connected to the internet from that address. Connection from any other address will be marked as "Working outside the office" status. If you find an error in the statuses shown, we suggest you to doublecheck the IP address settings in the Company networks menu () and modify them if necessary.)

    For your convenience the default setup is automated task generation and automated task switching, which further reduces the manual task administration. As long as the automated task generation and task switching mode is active it overwrites the manual task selection. You can make automated task documentation even more precise with setting up personal rules.

    You can switch off automated task switching mode any time in the Default settings menu () or by CTRL + double click on the desktop application icon (). It enables manual task selection until unlocking this feature the same way.

  • By default we have created a user group with you as the only member.

    To add more co-workers go to the Configure and Manage/Users, user groups settings/User accounts (). Here you can add more users in two ways: add them one by one by clicking on the new user icon or you can upload a complete group or organization with the downloadable Excel template.

    In the user hierarchy you can also move user groups and users in the batch with the "Mass move" icon.

  • All registered work is always linked to a specific task. So for accurate work administration you have to create the tasks that the users can work on in the Configure and Manage/Project, task/General data () menu. By default we have created 5 tasks (Administration, E-mail handling, JC360 Administration, Meeting, Break) from which you can already choose to register your work. When you create more new projects or tasks add its period, priority, target cost and estimated time.

    At the same time of adding new projects or tasks in the pop-up you can also assign them to your coworkers at the "Project members" or in the "Assignment" section.

  • You can achieve maximum accuracy in documenting work time with the automated task switch and logout features. You can easily set up automated rules with keywords in the Keyword based rules () menu.

    The system is capable to recognize keywords in the To, From or Subject line of the emails, in the title or the process name of the active applications, in the address bar (URL) of the browser or in Office document file names and file paths.

    Task switching rules apply to all users assigned to the tasks, while logout rules can be assigned to individual users, as well.

  • If you need to find out which of your coworkers are active, who are in the office or where the mobile users are then select the Real-time activity () menu. On this page you can see the continually updated statuses of users, including work locations (office, home or mobile position) and the latest daily work time statistics, the progress of their tasks, their work documented with the mobile application and the documented screenshots connected to their work on the computer.

    You can apply filters to focus only for a selected group of users or activity data.

  • The active time with tasks, applications, documents, e-mails or websites which are set as productive compared to the total registered work time. In case of desktop time only the active time is used for calculation. (Active time is when desktop keyboard activity is not interrupted with breaks longer than the given report parameter.)

  • In the Dashboard menu you can get a real time insight to the reports you’re the most interested in.

    You can see the following informations on the widgets: activities of the employees, their worktime of the previous days, their application usage and internet browsing. You can check their worktime balance and productive worktime on computer.

    As from the Reports menu, you can download the reports from here as well. You can add your favorite reports to your dashboard besides the default widgets.

  • On the Analyze and improve/Reports () page we have collected a variety of report templates to create your own statistics from the vast amount of work data collected by the applications. The reports are arranged into four groups according to their contents: Primary data reports, Activity reports, Aggregate business reports, Executive reports.

    You can save any of your customized report settings by adding them to your Favourite reports. You can also set up automated delivery for your favourite reports. This way you can access the latest statistics also from your mailbox in accordance with your report delivery settings.

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