What's new

v309 (11/27/2019)

Daily schedules

From now on you can create schedules in the Daily schedules menu. After defining the period, select whether you’d like to add the schedule for every day or only for the workdays within the given period. You can decide whether you’d like to add the same schedule for every day (Daily) or give them separately for the week (Weekly). Select whether the given day (or period) is a workday (with working time) or not and if it is done in or out of the office. After that set the interval of the schedule and mark if it will be overtime or not. If you’d like to add multiple schedules for the same day, click on the + icon at the end of each row. As soon as you’re finished with adding the schedules, don’t forget to click on the Add button.

You can check the schedules for each day in the Work time modification menu.

If adding schedules requires approval, you can do so in the Daily schedule requests menu.

v302 (10/9/2019)

Automated Google Calendar sync

You can synchronize the time of your Google Calendar meetings with JC360 as working time. To do this, select the Synchronization of Google Calendar created meetings in the Offline work menu.

Calendar time automatically assigned to task by keyword based rules

You can set up the search for keywords in the subject field of the supported calendars. This way, the time of each meeting can be automatically assigned to the right project or task/client, without any further administration. To do this, enter the words in „Keyword based rules page” to the „Switch to task keyword based rules” and select a task where it should be assigned to.

Automated calendar time requests

You can automatically request time for Calendar entries that are not on business days (eg. Paid Holidays or Weekends and rest days). Check the Request calendar entries’ time on non-workdays automatically: box to automatically request time for such calendar entries.

Setting up the deletion of inactive time in the beginning and at the end of the workday in the Default settings menu

In the future inactive time in the beginning or at the end of the day will not be deleted automatically, except for companies who do not have a logout or an ad-hoc window triggered by inactivity. You can configure these inactive times to be automatically deleted Default settings / Working hours. (End-of-day inactivity is defined as the inactive desktop time after the last desktop activity, unless there was any other type of registered working time. Beginning of the day inactivity is defined as the inactive time when there is no desktop activity after login until the first active PC time.

Daily expected work time history

In the Default settings/Working hours/Daily working time you can follow and edit the changes made for the daily expected working hours of the individual users. It enables the management of part time works (4, 6, 8 hours) and irregular hours in the system.

Extended data management at daily schedule

If the schedule management module is activated, in the daily schedules you can already add multiple schedules to a single user, e.g.: you can schedule extra hours on a given day in addition to the regular working hours. You can manage the types of schedules to Daily Schedules in the Default Settings /Working Hours / Manageable worktime schedule related data menu.

Simplified management for the new user and suspended accounts

In case of a new user the administrator can enter the date of the first working day, so the activation letter will be automatically sent that day at dawn. In the same way, it is possible to add the last working day of a user, after which the system will automatically put the user on a suspended status, who will no longer be able to sign in.

New „read only” and „edit” rights introduced at the report settings

In the future, in the Default Settings / Permissions section, you will have the option to customize who can access reports. If you want the users to only be able to download reports that cannot be edited, you can set this in Download reports in read-only mode.

New productivity analytics design

Based on the feedbacks, we re-designed the structure of the Performance Analysis and Performance Summary Reports to make them more ergonomic and to enhance the user experience of JC360 users.

Permissions upgraded at Leave category management

In the future, it is possible to link the management of the leave categories to specific users or roles, not only to the permission level so that only the dedicated user can edit it. To enable, select Manage Leave categories in the Default Settings / Permissions section.

Disable website access

In the Permissions settings, you will be able to control the ability for individual users to access the web based management site of JC360. This feature is useful if you are using the system in automatic mode and you want to avoid user access to data and configuration features. Functions in the desktop application can be used to review the basic work time data and to change the registered working time. If you want to prevent a particular user from accessing the website, you can set it in the Default settings / Permissions section.

Data management in accordance with GDPR regulations I.

Now you can specify the scope of the data to be collected during data management, setting the storage period for the data collected, and the ability to automatically delete any data from the system.

Data management in accordance with GDPR regulations II.

To support introduction information, we have made it possible to customize the desktop application home screen to display any internal information. The date of clicking on the ‘I agree, next’ button is logged.

Data management in accordance with GDPR regulations III.

We have made the basic documents available for download, which may be necessary to comply with the regulation. We have also changed our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. These documents can be downloaded from the Data Management page.

Data management in accordance with GDPR regulations IV.

A user can review his collected work data at any time in downloadable reports. So far, we have granted access to the data under the appropriate authority, but in the future it will be possible to configure which reports are available to users.

Call times can be automatically assigned to tasks by keyword based rules

By adding a keyword-based rule, while using the mobile application, the time of phone calls can be automatically assigned to a task based on the phone numbers identified during the call. To do this, on the Switch to task keyword based rule menu select "Search in: Phone Number", add the number and click Save.

Choose to search in "Mobile Contact", if the keyword is listed in the contact list of your mobile to assign the call time to the task specified in the rule.

Mobile location (POI) management

You can enter locations in the system by address, or maps with coordinates, which you can then assign to automatic rules using the mobile application. You can choose to be automatically logged in when reaching a certain location within a given radius or switch to a specific task. You can configure the locations on the POI management page. You can also add your locations by importing an excel file by detailed title.

You can also add locations (POIs) to your Company Networks page. In the locations you select here, while using the mobile application, working hours are displayed as office work in each report.

Offline activity (ad-hoc) with locked desktop

You can configure the inactivity pop-up window according to the desktop status. If you do not want the offline timer to start after the screen is locked, set it in the Default Settings / Desktop /Ad hoc offline work starts on lock menu.

v178 (3/29/2017)

New features in the mobile application from the beginning of April 2017

From now on new companies can be registered from mobile devices as well. For mobile registration only the application need to be downloaded. After starting the app tap the Registration link.

Adding new projects/tasks and assigning them to users: The task selection feature of the application has been extended with the adding new tasks / projects option. New tasks - with the permission - can immediately be assigned to selected users or user groups as well.

User list view has changed: The names can now be listed in accordance with the user hierarchy besides the alphabetical order. You can change the view by tapping the ABC/tree icon. By tapping the icon next to the search field you can narrow the user groups to be displayed (provided you have access rights to the selected group).

Add new user/group in the list view: The new + icon next to the user groups enables administrators to add new users/groups.

Android 6 permission management: On the mobile devices with Android 6.0 the application will manage the permission requests according to the new Android version.

Locked screen when calls are made with headset: When you give permission to the application it will lock your screen during conversations. This feature can prevent you from unintentional taps on the active screen.

New notification icons: In line with the new design of the Android 6.0+ we have face-lifted our application icons used in the notification bar. The colored icons for active / non-work and active status without data connection are changed for monochrome icons.

Permission for application based switching to task rules: From now on the application based automatic switching to task rules require a special permission. The application leads you to the settings where you can grant it.

v151 (9/8/2016)

Automate the documentation of worktime easily by setting up keyword based rules.

You can achieve maximum accuracy in documenting work time with the keyword based rules which can be set up easily and performs a task switch or logout according to its settings. The system is capable to recognize keywords in the To, From or Subject line of the emails, in the title or the process name of the active applications, in the address bar (URL) of the browser or in Office document file names and file paths.

v150 (9/2/2016)

Changes in the Online monitoring menu

The current Online monitoring menu is going to be renewed and will get a new name: Real-time activity. Going forward you’ll have the chance to filter the users shown by several parameters if you open the Filter section. By selecting a user you’ll see more details of his/her documented worktime: you can get a deep insight of the user’s activity, of the tasks he/she was working on on the given day, of his/her GPS coordinates if the mobile application was in use or the screenshots if any work was done on a computer.

v147 (8/17/2016)

The calculation of the daily work time has been changed

We have adjusted the calculation of the daily work time to the 0-24 hours calendar based cycle. Until now the daily hours were calculated by time spans 3 am - 3 am. This technical change may affect only those users whose shift extended over midnight (eg 18-02). Until now their hours were shown as continuous activity on the daily time sheet, and from now they are broken into 2 sessions in the calendar based grouping of daily hours. Tasks started before midnight but finished after that are not divided but shown in the daily report when the activity began. From now on every task that started after midnight are shown in the relevant daily reports. Time balances or weekly, monthly totals are unaffected by this change.

v141 (7/12/2016)


We have made our reporting service even more simple. On the very same page you can not only define your custom report and save it to your favorite reports, but you can also set up the automated delivery without navigating to the Scheduled reports menu. On the top of the report page you can find the combined list of your favorite and scheduled reports.

v139 (6/21/2016)


We have temporarily rearranged the Reports menu and from now you can find the different report types in four groups.

Scheduled reports: We have simplified the the scheduling of automated delivery of email reports and collected your scheduled reports in a table. You can also manage them directly from the table by turning off delivery, sending it straightaway, editing the schedule or deleting it. You can setup new schedule with the + button.

Favorite reports: Your favourite reports have been moved to the Reports site, where you can download (show button) and edit them.

Report types: The previous report tiles have been rearranged into four groups according to the contents of the report.

Two new reports have been added

Work time KPI report: customizable metrics to identify the performance tendencies, divergences and deficiencies of business units, work groups or individuals in historical diagrams.

Work time report: process and result analytics based on the measured transactions, compares individual achievements to group performance, shows divergences from averages and goals.

Simple and advanced menu

We have developed a simplified menu where the essential features can be found only while the original feature list was renamed for advanced menu, with the same content.

Users and tasks

In this new menu we have combined the separate task and user assignment features of the advanced settings so that you can add new users, groups, tasks and projects on the very same page and you can also assign them without navigating to another page. You can read more about the drag and drop task assignment in the information box by clicking on the “i” button on top.

New app installation icon

Users can reach the install site of the desktop and mobile applications also from the header with the new icon next to the notifications.

v113 (2/8/2016)

Request and approval of Offline work

We have improved the usability of the offline work requests and the approval process with new features. From now on meetings can be requested and approved from any status. Besides, users can also delete their registered working time in any status and the deleted periods are available only for the users who deleted them. These changes result that from now on users need no revoke or delete failed meetings since they can be edited, deleted or requested again in one step.

We have also extended the group of users who are authorized to approve offline working time. From now on project leaders can also access the request module and they can approve those offline time requests which come from project members and the time to be approved belong to their projects. Group leaders can approve any requests from their group members, however they still have limited visibility on those tasks whose project is not assigned to them. We have also built in an automated list of the last 10 offline time requests so that they can be easily reviewed by the authorized users.

v107 (12/10/2015)

Create and edit user accounts in pop-up window

We have unified the new user, new task and new assignment pop-up windows. The new default view contains only the mandatory fields which must be filled. To display the advanced settings click on the „Show all fields” link at the top of the pop-up. The main change is that the fields are organized in two columns in the new screens and they got identical structure. The access level setting has also changed and now you can edit them with a switch button. The activation of new users was also slightly modified and the Save and Activate buttons are replaced with checkboxes to select if you would like to activate or suspend the account after saving. If you do not select the „activation mail” sending then you can also set the password for that account. Remember that in this case the user will not receive an email notification about his new account. If you select the „activation mail” sending option then the user will receive the link where he can set the password for his account.

Create and edit user groups in pop-up window

In the new screen the advanced settings of adding or editing new user groups are hidden. To display them click on the „Show all fields” link.

Create and edit tasks in pop-up

In the new screen only the mandatory fields of creating or editing tasks are displayed. To display the advanced settings options click on the „Show all fields” link. Together with the „New task” screen the assignment window was modified as well. Now you can also edit the user -, group -, and role level assignments in the same window as well. The „estimated time” entry has also changed and beside the total time now you can also schedule daily task time for the assigned period.

Create and edit projects or customers in pop-up window

In the new screen only the mandatory fields of creating or editing projects or customers are displayed. To display the advanced settings options click on the „Show all fields” link.

Edit tasks or users

Now you can edit tasks and users directly from the hierarchy tree with the new pencil (edit) icon. With this you can edit the general data of selected user or group or task or project.

Unified assignment template and features

The group-, role-, and direct assignments have been merged into a single view. Here you can order the assignments by the name, the estimated time and scheduled period of the tasks. You can filter the task assignments by clicking on the filter icon on the top right corner. Hover the mouse over the icon to display the filtering options: type of assignment, deadlines, estimated times and expired deadlines.

When adding new assignment now you are enabled to search for tasks. Now also the attributes of the selected task are displayed and similarly to creating new task the assignments of the task can be edited in the unified screen.

Changes in the task list screen

The task list screen has been redesigned to the same view as the assignments screen. Here you can also order the tasks by name, estimated time and the scheduled period. The top right filter is improved with the type of assignment, deadlines, estimated times and expired deadlines options.

v105 (11/27/2015)

Favorite and scheduled reports

From now on, you have the chance to save your frequently used reports as favorites: choose "My Favorites" from Query|My Favorites, fill in the form and click on the Insert button. You can get your favorite reports by 2 clicks from Reports page.

You can also get your favorite reports directly to your inbox: schedule them in the Analyze and Improve/Scheduled reports menu.

v101 (11/12/2015)

Reports page

We have created a new page, "Reports", which collects all of JC360®'s reports on one page in tile view. From now on the individual menus of reports will be replaced with "Reports" (Analyze and Improve/Reports/Reports) from where you can start all the report queries. This new menu won't have any effect on reaching single reports directly from Favorites.

v80 (8/14/2015)

Group and role based assignments

From now it becomes available to assign tasks to groups and roles. That makes easier and quicker to assign those tasks involving larger groups or the whole company to users. The new joiners can get their basic tasks automatically, they only should be assigned to the appropriate group or role.

Along with this new function, the „Configure and manage/Assigned users” menu will be renamed to „Assignments” and a new filtering option for dividing the direct or group/role based assignments will be available on the „MyJC360/Tasks” page.

v70 (6/24/2015)

Unique menu icons

From now on every menu gets its own, unique icon for the easier identification. Our existing menu icons will be replaced as well.

Menu search

For quicker and easier access to the menus in JC360®'s web application, a box will be available for searching the menu wanted. After 3 typed in characters only the menus containing those letters will appear.

Opening the menus on a new tab

From now on a setting that opening the menus on new tabs by default becomes available for providing the possibility of opening several menus at the same time. For activating (the icon should become blue) or inactivating (the icon should become grey) this function, please click on the icon next to the menu search box.

v60 (5/7/2015)

New values of the Working time by day report

We’re extending the values of the Working time by day report. Therefore more accurate information would be available about the working time in or out of the office. Showing or hiding these values can be set in the Report categories option.

Password strength validation

We’re introducing the password strength validation. When adding a new password or when changing the password the following rules must be kept: the length of the password must be 6 characters minimum, it must contain a letter and a number or a special character. This modification doesn’t apply to the existing passwords, there’s no need to change them according to the new rules.

v56 (4/22/2015)

Defining rules for multiple windows

Starting from the 16th of April, rules can be defined by the content of multiple windows. Thereby it becomes possible to specify the task on which the users’ are working by more complex and accurate rules.

Reachable task details from the notification window

The task appearing in the client application’s notification window becomes clickable, thereby the task’s details become accessible by a simple click. The task’s details can be modified easily and the task itself can be closed.

Approval of offline work time

From the 16th of April we’re launching the approval procedure of offline work times (ad-hoc and Calendar meetings). By enabling this function it becomes possible to bind these worktimes to an approval of the supervisor – as it is done with holidays and work time modifiations. It is possible to filter the elements of the Calendar meetings whether we’d like them to be approved or not.

What’s new page

For tracking the new features and changes of JC360® we’ve created the What’s new page which is accessible from the web application by clicking on the icon found on the upper right corner. All of our users will be notified about the changes and new features on this page.

How to start

  • The desktop application is an integrated part of JC360® which, in active status, documents work activity and records the active times spent on tasks and projects in order to create reports and detailed analytics about individual and corporate performances.

    If you have not downloaded and installed the desktop application yet then you can do it by choosing Install JC360® applications from the dropdown next to your name on the upper right corner and after selecting the application you prefer.

    You can start or stop the application with a double click (with the left mouse button) on the icon (). (The system considers the IP address at registration as office network so it will show "Working in office" status if any user is connected to the internet from that address. Connection from any other address will be marked as "Working outside the office" status. If you find an error in the statuses shown, we suggest you to doublecheck the IP address settings in the Company networks menu () and modify them if necessary.)

    For your convenience the default setup is automated task generation and automated task switching, which further reduces the manual task administration. As long as the automated task generation and task switching mode is active it overwrites the manual task selection. You can make automated task documentation even more precise with setting up personal rules.

    You can switch off automated task switching mode any time in the Default settings menu () or by CTRL + double click on the desktop application icon (). It enables manual task selection until unlocking this feature the same way.

  • By default we have created a user group with you as the only member.

    To add more co-workers go to the Configure and Manage/Users, user groups settings/User accounts (). Here you can add more users in two ways: add them one by one by clicking on the new user icon or you can upload a complete group or organization with the downloadable Excel template.

    In the user hierarchy you can also move user groups and users in the batch with the "Mass move" icon.

  • All registered work is always linked to a specific task. So for accurate work administration you have to create the tasks that the users can work on in the Configure and Manage/Project, task/General data () menu. By default we have created 5 tasks (Administration, E-mail handling, JC360 Administration, Meeting, Break) from which you can already choose to register your work. When you create more new projects or tasks add its period, priority, target cost and estimated time.

    At the same time of adding new projects or tasks in the pop-up you can also assign them to your coworkers at the "Project members" or in the "Assignment" section.

  • You can achieve maximum accuracy in documenting work time with the automated task switch and logout features. You can easily set up automated rules with keywords in the Keyword based rules () menu.

    The system is capable to recognize keywords in the To, From or Subject line of the emails, in the title or the process name of the active applications, in the address bar (URL) of the browser or in Office document file names and file paths.

    Task switching rules apply to all users assigned to the tasks, while logout rules can be assigned to individual users, as well.

  • If you need to find out which of your coworkers are active, who are in the office or where the mobile users are then select the Real-time activity () menu. On this page you can see the continually updated statuses of users, including work locations (office, home or mobile position) and the latest daily work time statistics, the progress of their tasks, their work documented with the mobile application and the documented screenshots connected to their work on the computer.

    You can apply filters to focus only for a selected group of users or activity data.

  • The active time with tasks, applications, documents, e-mails or websites which are set as productive compared to the total registered work time. In case of desktop time only the active time is used for calculation. (Active time is when desktop keyboard activity is not interrupted with breaks longer than the given report parameter.)

  • In the Dashboard menu you can get a real time insight to the reports you’re the most interested in.

    You can see the following informations on the widgets: activities of the employees, their worktime of the previous days, their application usage and internet browsing. You can check their worktime balance and productive worktime on computer.

    As from the Reports menu, you can download the reports from here as well. You can add your favorite reports to your dashboard besides the default widgets.

  • On the Analyze and improve/Reports () page we have collected a variety of report templates to create your own statistics from the vast amount of work data collected by the applications. The reports are arranged into four groups according to their contents: Primary data reports, Activity reports, Aggregate business reports, Executive reports.

    You can save any of your customized report settings by adding them to your Favourite reports. You can also set up automated delivery for your favourite reports. This way you can access the latest statistics also from your mailbox in accordance with your report delivery settings.

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